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Orthomolecular Medicine

What is Orthomolecular Medicine?


Linus Carl Pauling first introduced the term "orthomolecular medicine" in a publication in the journal 'Science' in 1968. Orthos in Greek means correct, straight or healthy. And molecular stands for; concerning the molecules. So together it means the "right molecules".


Getting optimal concentrations of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fats, proteins and carbohydrates is the starting point in orthomolecular medicine for the prevention and cure of disease. In order to obtain optimal dosages of nutrients, a healthy diet is key. With, if needed, some additional supplements.


Nutrients are required for all functions in the body. When there is a shortage of one or more substances, this will lead to a decline in the functions of organs. The consequence of this is the emergence of complaints. By supplementing the deficiencies with the right diet and supplements, the complaints will diminish or even disappear.


Orthomolecular medicine is placed under "alternative medicine", even though scientific research is the basis of this form of therapy. Our health care is excellent in my view, but especially for acute care. Care for chronic illness is limited and focuses mostly on combating symptoms by means of medication.


Most chronic illnesses can be cured through diet, mindset and lifestyle. The concept that nutrition is medicinal is very old. Hippocrates (420-360 B.C.), the "father of medicine," said; Let food be your medicine and medicine your food ”.


Clinical Psycho-Neuro-Immunology

Robert Ader (psychologist), David Felten (neuroscientist) and Nicholas Cohen (immunologist) were the first scientists to show that there is an interaction between the psyche, the nervous system and the immune system. They are considered the founders of Psycho-Neuro-Immunology (PNI)


The clinical PNI (kPNI) or clinical Psycho-Neuro-Immunology is concerned with the application of PNI in practice. kPNI is an interdisciplinary health science that integrates knowledge from different sciences and searches for the cause of chronic illness.


A PNI therapist sees the body as a whole and not as different separate parts. It is important that the underlying cause is treated and not only the symptoms.


Disciplines that the kPNI connects are:

  • Psychology

  • Neurology

  • Endocrinology

  • Immunology

  • Physiology & Biochemistry

  • Genetics and Epigenetics

Scroll down for more info on kPNI therapy

Chronic illness does not arise overnight, but this is a gradual process over the years. This process is seen within the KPNI as "the film" of someone's life. The current complaint (s) or condition (s) are then, as it were, a "photo", a snapshot. So the solution lies in treating the film behind the photo. Through an extensive anamnesis 'the film' is mapped out and it becomes clear how the current complaints arose.


For example, a problem from the past can be the cause of the current complaints. Causes could be unresolved stress, negative thoughts, bad childhood, a trauma or a bacterial or viral load. Central to the cPNI therapy is identifying the disturbed working mechanisms (bodily functions) that underlie the complaints. These could be low-grade inflammation, insulin resistance, cortisol resistance or "leaky" barriers like the gut. Factors that influence these working mechanisms are investigated such as; environment, psychosocial factors, emotional factors, stress, exercise, nutrition, biorhythm, sleep, bacteria and other pathogens. By making connections between these factors and the working mechanisms the causes of chronic syndromes are identified and interventions can take place to tackle the underlying cause.


cPNI interventions are aimed at restoring disturbed mechanisms of action with the help of nutrition, exercise, behavioral adjustment and lifestyle changes. The interventions are natural, but backed by science. Food supplements, fyto therapeutics (herbs, etc.) and other natural remedies can be used for supporting the healing process.


In addition, "deep learning" plays an important role in the cPNI treatment. If you don't understand why you have something, it is difficult to solve. Understanding your complaint exactly and the scientific substantiation of the solution provide insight and peace of mind and are an important step in the healing process.


During the consultation I will explain (after an extensive anamnesis) which working mechanisms are disturbed and why. Then I draw up an action plan together with You to deal with the disruptions.


"Clinical psycho-neuro-immunology will provide you with new insights to regain control of your life and your health." In short, a new perspective on medicine that approaches people as a holistic being, from a scientific perspective.

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